The Hopeful Support Foundation compiles the information on its website ( with great care. The copyright of all texts and photos used on this site belongs to the Hopeful Support Foundation. These texts and photos may not be copied or otherwise reproduced and distributed without the prior written permission of the Hopeful Support Foundation.

The Hopeful Support Foundation may change the text and form of information provided by third parties for its site at its own discretion, and reserves the right not to post information provided. Hopeful Support Foundation accepts no liability whatsoever for the correctness and completeness of the content of, nor for damage resulting from any inaccuracies or omissions, or for problems resulting from its use or distribution. Hopeful Support Foundation is not responsible for the information on websites that link to
Stichting Hopeful Support aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor de juistheid en volledigheid van de inhoud van, noch voor schade als gevolg van eventuele onjuistheden of onvolkomenheden, of voor problemen als gevolg van het gebruiken of verspreiden ervan.
Stichting Hopeful Support is niet verantwoordelijk voor de informatie op websites waarop naar wordt verwezen.


Data from donors, sponsors and other interested parties will only be used for administrative purposes, such as collecting donations and sending publications. This data is not provided to third parties. If you do not wish to receive publications or information about the Hopeful Support Foundation, this can be made known to:

Stichting Hopeful Support
Carolijnruwe 19
6218 BV Maastricht

[email protected]

Hopeful support

Stichting Hopeful Support
Carolijnruwe 19, 6218 BV Maastricht
[email protected]